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630 lines
#ifndef lint
static char SccsId[] = "%W% %G%";
/* Module: disppsct.c (Display Postscript)
* Purpose: Dump contents of the display window to a postscript printer.
* Subroutine: screen_dump() returns: void
* Copyright: 1989 NOAO & Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory
* You may do anything you like with this file except remove
* this copyright. The Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory
* makes no representations about the suitability of this
* software for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without
* express or implied warranty.
* Origin: Doug Tody, NOAO (written for IRAF's Imtool)
* Modified: {0} Michael VanHilst initial version 1 July 1989
* {1} Jay Travisano (STScI) VMS changes 10 Nov 1989
* {2} MVH BSDonly strings.h compatability 19 Feb 1990
* {n} <who> -- <does what> -- <when>
#ifndef SUN
#include <sys/file.h>
#include <stdio.h> /* stderr, NULL, etc. */
#ifndef VMS
#include <pwd.h>
#ifdef SYSV
#include <string.h> /* strlen, strcat, strcpy, strrchr */
#include <strings.h> /* strlen, strcat, strcpy, rindex */
#include <string.h> /* strlen, strcat, strcpy, strrchr */
#include <time.h>
#include <X11/Xlib.h> /* X window stuff */
#include <X11/Xutil.h> /* X window manager stuff */
#include "hfiles/define.h" /* define SZ_FNAME */
#include "hfiles/constant.h" /* define codes */
#include "hfiles/struct.h" /* declare structure types */
#include "hfiles/extern.h" /* extern main parameter structures */
#include "hfiles/region.h" /* regdrawRec */
#include "hfiles/scale.h" /* SCALEOFF */
extern struct windowRec desktop;
extern struct regdrawRec rgdraw;
#ifndef PSCRIPT
screen_dump ()
(void)fprintf(stderr, "Compiled without PostScript support.\n");
#define R_DISPOSE "lpr -Plw -r %s" /* printer dispose command */
#define P_DISPOSE "lpr -P%s -r %s" /* dispose to user's printer */
#define SEGSIZE 16 /* output segment size (bytes) */
#define BITFLIP 0 /* bit-flip each byte for P.S.? */
#define NGREY 256 /* max color table size */
#define MARGIN 36 /* 0.5 inch */
#define PAGE_WIDTH 612 /* 8.5x11, 72pt/inch */
#define PAGE_HEIGHT 792 /* 8.5x11, 72pt/inch */
#define RT_DATA 'a' /* record type codes */
#define RT_ZERO 'b'
#define RT_FULL 'c'
#define RT_BKG1 'd'
#define RT_BKG2 'e'
#define BKGPAT_1 "22" /* atom for stipple pattern */
#define BKGPAT_2 "88" /* atom for stipple pattern */
static void bitmap_to_postscript();
static char *make_label();
static void black_border();
/* SCREENDUMP -- Make a hardcopy of the indicated region of the screen on a
* hardcopy device. Currently only two output formats are supported, Sun
* rasterfile output, or Postscript output for devices such as the Apple laser
* writer. Postscript output is the default; rasterfile output is enabled
* if the variable 'R_RASTERFILE' is defined in the environment, with the
* string value being an sprintf format string with one decimal integer
* argument, used to create the rasterfile filename (e.g., "frame.%d").
* The variable 'R_DISPOSE' may be defined to specify how the Postscript or
* Sun rasterfile is to be disposed of. If 'R_DISPOSE' is not defined and
* rasterfile output is specified, no dispose command will be issued. If the
* variable is not defined and Postscript output is specified, the default
* dispose command defined above will be executed.
void screen_dump ( nobuttons )
int nobuttons; /* i: omit-the-buttons from the output image */
register int i;
int width, height, area;
unsigned char *obuf;
unsigned char *zero;
static int index = 0; /* count calls to produce unique file names */
char tempfile[80], dispose[80];
int depth=8; /* only bytes top PS dither is supported */
double wscale, hscale;
double scale;
int color_levels; /* number of color levels in hardare */
int status;
int fd;
char *str;
FILE *fp;
unsigned long draw_mask, draw_fore, draw_back;
unsigned long menu_fore, menu_back;
unsigned long incl_fore, incl_back;
unsigned long excl_fore, excl_back;
int filled;
unsigned long fore, back;
XImage *ximage;
#ifndef SUN
char *mktemp();
char *calloc_errchk(), *getenv();
void close_disk(), clear_margins(), map_buf_repzoom();
void map_buf_subzoom(), disp_dispbox(), disp_panbox();
/* if you want to grab the server do it here */
/* suspend all screen interactions while processing */
/* get dimensions */
if( color.ncolors <= 1 ) {
/* strategy: clear image, draw cursors, copy cursors, */
width = dispbox.width;
height = dispbox.height;
area = width * height;
/* allocate a data buffer and the line-all-zeroes array */
if( ((obuf = (unsigned char *)
calloc_errchk(area, sizeof(char), (char *)NULL)) == 0) ||
((zero = (unsigned char *)
calloc_errchk(height, sizeof(char), (char *)NULL)) == 0) ) {
(void)fprintf(stderr, "Print failure: cannot allocate data buffers\n");
if( coord.bd.clip ) {
/* if image does not fill display buffer, do something about it */
clear_margins((unsigned char *)dispbox.image.data, &coord.bd,
&coord.disp, 1, color.hard.std_white);
if( coord.bd.block < -1 )
map_buf_repzoom(&coord, (unsigned char *)obuf,
buffer.shortbuf, buffer.scalemap + SCALEOFF);
map_buf_subzoom(&coord, (unsigned char *)obuf,
buffer.shortbuf, buffer.scalemap + SCALEOFF,
MAX(coord.bd.block, 1));
if( color.halftone.inverse == 0 ) {
/* non-inverted image has high values dark */
register unsigned char *ptr = obuf;
register unsigned char *obuf_end = obuf + area;
do {
*ptr = 255 - *ptr;
} while( ++ptr < obuf_end );
/* make the edge a black border */
black_border(obuf, width, height);
} else {
unsigned short *map;
width = desktop.width;
height = desktop.height;
color_levels = DisplayCells(color.display, color.screen);
if( nobuttons )
height -= btnbox.height;
/* get byte image and convert to equivalent intensity */
/* allocate a val-to-intensity map and a this-line-all-zeroes array */
if( ((map = (unsigned short *)
calloc_errchk(NGREY, sizeof(short), "print map")) == 0) ||
((zero = (unsigned char *)
calloc_errchk(height, sizeof(char), (char *)NULL)) == 0) ) {
(void)fprintf(stderr, "Print failure: cannot allocate data buffers\n");
double rwght, gwght, bwght;
XColor cdef[256];
int val;
/* Black&White = (.35*Red +.55*Green + .10*Blue) */
/* scaling from 65536 to 256 requires /256 */
rwght = 0.35 / 256.0;
gwght = 0.55 / 256.0;
bwght = 0.10 / 256.0;
for( i=0; i<color_levels; i++ )
cdef[i].pixel = i;
XQueryColors(color.display, color.colormap, cdef, color_levels);
for( i=0; i<color_levels; i++ ) {
val = (int)((rwght * (double)cdef[i].red) +
(gwght * (double)cdef[i].green) +
(bwght * (double)cdef[i].blue));
if( val >= 256 ) {
map[i] = 255;
} else if( val < 0 ) {
map[i] = 0;
} else {
map[i] = val;
/* set cursor colors (for max contrast with background) */
map[color.hard.std_black] = 0;
map[color.hard.std_white] = 255;
if( map[color.pixvalmap[0]] < 128 ) {
fore = color.hard.std_white;
back = color.hard.std_black;
} else {
fore = color.hard.std_black;
back = color.hard.std_white;
draw_mask = color.gcset.draw.mask;
draw_fore = color.gcset.draw.foreground;
draw_back = color.gcset.draw.background;
menu_fore = color.gcset.menu.foreground;
menu_back = color.gcset.menu.background;
incl_fore = color.gcset.incl.foreground;
incl_back = color.gcset.incl.background;
excl_fore = color.gcset.excl.foreground;
excl_back = color.gcset.excl.background;
filled = rgdraw.filled_label;
color.gcset.draw.mask = AllPlanes;
color.gcset.draw.foreground = fore;
color.gcset.draw.background = back;
color.gcset.menu.foreground = fore;
color.gcset.menu.background = back;
color.gcset.incl.foreground = fore;
color.gcset.incl.background = back;
color.gcset.excl.foreground = fore;
color.gcset.excl.background = back;
rgdraw.filled_label = 1;
/* redraw the display with this coloring */
XRaiseWindow(desktop.display, desktop.ID);
XSync(desktop.display, 0);
/* read data direct from window (image starts at x/y + borderwidth) */
ximage = XGetImage(desktop.display, desktop.ID, 0, 0,
desktop.width, desktop.height, AllPlanes, ZPixmap);
color.gcset.draw.mask = draw_mask;
color.gcset.draw.foreground = draw_fore;
color.gcset.draw.background = draw_back;
color.gcset.menu.foreground = menu_fore;
color.gcset.menu.background = menu_back;
color.gcset.incl.foreground = incl_fore;
color.gcset.incl.background = incl_back;
color.gcset.excl.foreground = excl_fore;
color.gcset.excl.background = excl_back;
rgdraw.filled_label = filled;
XSync(desktop.display, 0);
if( ximage == NULL ) {
(void)fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: could not read image\n");
/* remap image values to monochrome intensities */
obuf = (unsigned char *)ximage->data;
register unsigned char *buf, *bufend, *ibuf;
buf = obuf;
if( nobuttons )
bufend = buf + (width * btnbox.y);
bufend = obuf + (width * desktop.height);
do {
*buf = map[*buf];
} while( ++buf < bufend );
if( nobuttons ) {
ibuf = obuf + (width * (dispbox.y - 1));
bufend = obuf + (width * desktop.height);
do {
*buf++ = map[*ibuf];
} while( ++ibuf < bufend );
/* make the edge a black border */
/* black_border(obuf, width, height); */
/* Create a temporary file to hold postscript program. */
/* add unique char (mkstemp doesn't avoid duplicating temp file names) */
#ifndef VMS
sprintf(tempfile, "/tmp/ps%cXXXXXX", 'a' + index);
sprintf(tempfile, "_ps%cXXXXXX.tmp", 'a' + index);
if( ++index > 26 ) index = 0;
/* open a file with a system chosen unique name */
#ifdef SUN
if( (fd = mkstemp(tempfile)) == -1 ) {
perror("Cannot make temp file");
/* open the file with a call to open with both write and create flags */
if( (fp = fopen(tempfile, "w")) == NULL ) {
(void)fprintf(stderr, "cannot create temporary file %s\n", tempfile);
} else {
#ifdef SUN
fp = fdopen(fd, "a");
/* Autoscale to fit output page. */
wscale = ((double)PAGE_WIDTH - 2*MARGIN) / (double)width;
hscale = ((double)PAGE_HEIGHT - 2*MARGIN) / (double)height;
if( wscale < hscale )
scale = wscale;
scale = hscale;
/* Translate the bitmap into a postscript program. */
bitmap_to_postscript(fp, obuf, width, height, depth, width, zero, scale);
free((char *)zero);
#ifdef SUN
close_disk(fd, tempfile);
/* Dispose of tempfile to the printer. We leave it up to the dispose
* command to delete the temporary file when finished. The dispose
* command may be passed as an environment variable if desired, e.g.,
* to specify a printer device other than "lw" (laserwriter).
if( (str = getenv("R_DISPOSE")) != NULL ) {
sprintf(dispose, str, tempfile);
} else if( (str = getenv("PRINTER")) != NULL ) {
sprintf(dispose, P_DISPOSE, str, tempfile);
} else
sprintf(dispose, R_DISPOSE, tempfile);
#ifndef VMS
if( (status = system(dispose)) != 0 )
if( !((status = system(dispose)) & 1) )
(void)fprintf(stderr, "screendump: exit status %d\n", status);
if( color.ncolors <= 1 )
free((char *)obuf);
/* BITMAP_TO_POSTSCRIPT -- Translate a memory bitmap into a postscript program
* using image compression where regions of the image are all zeroes. This is
* done as follows: [1] lines of the bitmap are divided into segments of N
* bytes, [2] if all N bytes are zero a single zero byte is transmitted,
* otherwise a byte with the value one is transmitted, followed by N bytes of
* literal data. Lines which are entirely zero are not transmitted at all.
* The goal is to significantly reduce the amount of data to be pushed through
* the laserwriter serial interface while keeping things simple enough that
* postscript will hopefully be able to process the bitmap efficiently.
* NOTE: Postscript is supposed to be able to copy bitmaps directly without
* any transformations if all the right conditions are met, e.g., unitary
* matrices, pixrect resolution matches device resolution, etc. We do not
* make use of this here due to the great volume of data which would have to
* pushed through the laserwriter serial interface at 9600 baud to transmit
* a fully resolved bitmap. If a parallel interface were available, e.g.,
* if the laserwriter is on the ethernet, then this would be the way to go.
static void
bitmap_to_postscript (fp, bitmap, width, height, depth, linebytes, zero, scale)
register FILE *fp;
unsigned char *bitmap;
int width, height, depth;
int linebytes;
unsigned char *zero;
double scale;
register unsigned char *ip;
register char *op, *hp;
register int n;
unsigned char *segp;
char hbuf[NGREY*2];
char obuf[SEGSIZE*2];
char rt_full[SEGSIZE*2+1];
char bkg_1[SEGSIZE*2+1];
char bkg_2[SEGSIZE*2+1];
int partseg, seg, nsegs, allzeroes, i, j, last_j;
int llx, lly, urx, ury;
long clock;
clock = time (0);
/* Initialize the hbuf array, which contains the hex encoded
* representations of the NGREY possible binary byte values.
for (n=0, op=hbuf; n < NGREY; n++) {
i = ((n >> 4) & 017);
*op++ = (i < 10) ? i + '0' : (i-10) + 'A';
i = (n & 017);
*op++ = (i < 10) ? i + '0' : (i-10) + 'A';
/* Set up the background (stipple) pattern arrays, used to represent
* the Sunview background pattern outside of windows.
for (op=bkg_1, hp=BKGPAT_1, n=SEGSIZE; --n >= 0; ) {
*op++ = hp[0];
*op++ = hp[1];
} *op++ = '\0';
for (op=bkg_2, hp=BKGPAT_2, n=SEGSIZE; --n >= 0; ) {
*op++ = hp[0];
*op++ = hp[1];
} *op++ = '\0';
/* RT_FULL is a solid line, another common pattern. */
for (op=rt_full, n=SEGSIZE*2; --n >= 0; )
*op++ = 'F';
*op++ = '\0';
/* Initialize obuf, in case a partseg call causes the full buffer to
* be written out before the garbage elements at the end have been
* initialized to legal values.
bcopy ((char *)rt_full, (char *)obuf, SEGSIZE*2);
/* Calculate bounding box. */
llx = MARGIN;
urx = llx + (width * scale);
lly = ury - (height * scale);
/* Define the postscript necessary to receive and output the lines
* of the pixrect with image compression.
(void)fprintf(fp, "%%!PS-Adobe-2.0 EPSF-2.0\n");
(void)fprintf(fp, "%%%%Title: SAOimage screendump\n");
(void)fprintf(fp, "%%%%Creator: SAOimage\n");
(void)fprintf(fp, "%%%%CreationDate: %s", asctime(localtime(&clock)));
(void)fprintf(fp, "%%%%PageOrientation: Portrait\n");
(void)fprintf(fp, "%%%%Pages: 1\n");
(void)fprintf(fp, "%%%%BoundingBox: %d %d %d %d\n", llx, MARGIN/2, urx, ury);
(void)fprintf(fp, "%%%%DocumentFonts: Times-Roman\n");
(void)fprintf(fp, "%%%%DocumentNeededFonts: Times-Roman\n");
(void)fprintf(fp, "%%%%EndComments\n");
(void)fprintf(fp, "/r_data %d string def\n", SEGSIZE);
(void)fprintf(fp, "/r_zero %d string def\n", SEGSIZE);
(void)fprintf(fp, "/r_full %d string def\n", SEGSIZE);
(void)fprintf(fp, "/r_bkg1 %d string def\n", SEGSIZE);
(void)fprintf(fp, "/r_bkg2 %d string def\n", SEGSIZE);
(void)fprintf(fp, "currentfile r_full readhexstring %s\n", rt_full);
(void)fprintf(fp, "currentfile r_bkg1 readhexstring %s\n", bkg_1);
(void)fprintf(fp, "currentfile r_bkg2 readhexstring %s\n", bkg_2);
(void)fprintf(fp, "clear\n");
(void)fprintf(fp, "/dline {\n");
if (depth == 8) {
(void)fprintf(fp, " %d div neg 0 exch translate\n", height);
(void)fprintf(fp, " %d %d 8\n", width, 1);
(void)fprintf(fp, " [ %d 0 0 %d 0 %d ]\n", width, -height, height);
} else {
(void)fprintf(fp," 0 exch translate %d %d true matrix\n", width, 1);
(void)fprintf(fp, " { currentfile read pop dup %d eq\n", RT_DATA);
(void)fprintf(fp, " { pop currentfile r_data readhexstring pop }\n");
(void)fprintf(fp, " { dup %d eq\n", RT_ZERO);
(void)fprintf(fp, " { pop r_zero }\n");
(void)fprintf(fp, " { dup %d eq\n", RT_FULL);
(void)fprintf(fp, " { pop r_full }\n");
(void)fprintf(fp, " { %d eq\n", RT_BKG1);
(void)fprintf(fp, " { r_bkg1 }\n");
(void)fprintf(fp, " { r_bkg2 }\n");
(void)fprintf(fp, " ifelse }\n");
(void)fprintf(fp, " ifelse }\n");
(void)fprintf(fp, " ifelse }\n");
(void)fprintf(fp, " ifelse\n");
if (depth == 8)
(void)fprintf(fp, " } image} def\n");
(void)fprintf(fp, " } imagemask} def\n");
(void)fprintf(fp, "%%%%EndProlog\n");
(void)fprintf(fp, "%%%%Page: 1 1\n");
(void)fprintf(fp, "gsave\n");
(void)fprintf(fp, "%d %d translate\n", llx, lly);
(void)fprintf(fp, "%d %d scale\n", urx-llx, ury-lly);
nsegs = width / (SEGBITS / depth);
partseg = linebytes - (nsegs * SEGSIZE);
/* Output successive lines of the pixrect. All zero lines are omitted
* and data compression is used for large regions of zeroes embedded
* within a line.
for (j=0, last_j=0; j < height; j++) {
if (zero[j])
(void)fprintf(fp, "\n%d dline\n", j - last_j);
last_j = j;
/* Output an integral number of line segments in hexstring format,
* i.e., two hex digits output per binary input byte.
segp = bitmap + j*linebytes;
for (seg=0; seg < nsegs; seg++, segp += SEGSIZE) {
/* Quick scan of the data to see if it is all zeroes. */
allzeroes = 1;
for (ip=segp, n=SEGSIZE; --n >= 0; )
if (*ip++) {
allzeroes = 0;
if (allzeroes) {
(void)putc(RT_ZERO, fp);
} else {
/* Encode the data segment in hex format. */
for( ip=segp, op=obuf, n=SEGSIZE; --n >= 0; ) {
hp = hbuf + (*ip++ * 2);
*op++ = *hp++;
*op++ = *hp++;
if( (obuf[0] == rt_full[0]) &&
(strncmp(obuf, rt_full, SEGSIZE*2) == 0) ) {
(void)putc(RT_FULL, fp);
} else if( (obuf[0] == bkg_1[0]) &&
(strncmp(obuf, bkg_1, SEGSIZE*2) == 0) ) {
(void)putc (RT_BKG1, fp);
} else if( (obuf[0] == bkg_2[0]) &&
(strncmp(obuf, bkg_2, SEGSIZE*2) == 0) ) {
(void)putc(RT_BKG2, fp);
} else {
(void)putc(RT_DATA, fp);
(void)fwrite(obuf, SEGSIZE*2, 1, fp);
/* Write out any partial segment at the end of the line. We must
* always write a full segment, even if the data at the end is
* garbage, else synchronization will be lost.
if (partseg) {
for( op=obuf, n=partseg; --n >= 0; ) {
hp = hbuf + (*ip++ * 2);
*op++ = *hp++;
*op++ = *hp++;
(void)putc(RT_DATA, fp);
(void)fwrite(obuf, SEGSIZE*2, 1, fp);
/* Add the [SAO] logo and timestamp at the bottom of the page and
* output the page.
(void)fprintf(fp, "\ngrestore\n");
(void)fprintf(fp, "/Times-Roman findfont 6 scalefont setfont\n");
if( img.filename != NULL ) {
(void)fprintf(fp, "%d %d moveto\n", 2*MARGIN, MARGIN/2);
(void)fprintf(fp, "(%s) show\n", img.filename);
(void)fprintf(fp, "%d %d moveto\n", width - 144, MARGIN/2);
(void)fprintf(fp, "(%s) show\n", make_label());
(void)fprintf(fp, "showpage\n");
(void)fprintf(fp, "%%%%EOF\n");
* Subroutine: make_label
* Purpose: Generate the label for the output printer page.
* Unix call: time(), gethostname(), getpwuid(), endpwent()
static char *make_label()
static char buf[128];
char hostname[32];
char username[32];
#ifndef VMS
struct passwd *pw;
long time(); /* should be in time.h, but only VMS does it */
char *getenv();
long clock;
int gethostname();
clock = time((long *)0);
(void)gethostname(hostname, 32);
#ifndef VMS
pw = getpwuid(getuid());
(void)strcpy(username, pw->pw_name);
sprintf(buf, "SAOimage %s@%s %s",
username, hostname, asctime(localtime(&clock)));
static void black_border ( obuf, width, height )
unsigned char *obuf;
int width, height;
register unsigned char *buf, *bufend;
buf = obuf;
bufend = buf + (width * height);
while( (buf+=width) < bufend ) {
*buf = 0;
*(buf-1) = 0;
buf = bufend - width;
while( ++buf < bufend )
*buf = 0;
buf = obuf;
bufend = buf + width;
while( buf < bufend )
*buf++ = 0;